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For the past 5+ years I have been photographing:  city events, museum artifacts, work environments, and urban fragments. These efforts celebrate unique aspects of our shared world.


A photograph is the most precise language at times. It speaks from the past. It reminds, preserves, and inspires. I am fascinated by its unique ability to welcome others to take a closer look at both ordinary and spectacular things.


I have developed my passion through years of involvement in photo communities, building technical abilities as I felt necessary.


I am a digital photographer mindful of arts, nature, mathematics, economics, business, and community. I shoot a micro 4/3 camera. It is my tool for creating valuable, concise, impactful information in the form of a picture.


Ink and watercolour sketches are a new medium for my observations (4 years). Sketching shows me how to slow down and greater understand what it is that makes a composition exciting to look at again and again.


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